My Perspective 2024 - International Photography Competition

My Perspective is an international photography competition for people who have Down syndrome. Click to visit the competition page on the DSA website. Read more

Down Syndrome International statement on Ukraine conflict

Down Syndrome International (DSi) is calling on all parties involved in the current conflict in Ukraine to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Read more

The right to quality education for learners with disabilities

Watch the International Webinar from UNESCO and Humanity & Inclusion. Read more

A message from the president of DSi - 2021

Bridget Sneddon, President of Down Syndrome International, reflects upon our achievements in 2021. Read more

Fill your stockings with colour

The perfect stocking filler that also helps support our work. Visit the LotsOfSocks Christmas shop today. Read more

Quick Guide: Towards Disability Inclusive Education

The Quick Guide provides a summary of existing international frameworks for inclusive education and focuses specifically on the practical tools that help programme coordinators to move towards more inclusive education programmes. Read more

WATCH - Building community support and psychosocial ecosystems

A webinar from Transforming Communities for Inclusion (TCI). TCI forecasts a future in which all human rights and full freedoms of persons with psychosocial disabilities are realised. Read more

Inform, inspire and influence

Join us at the World Down Syndrome Congress 2021, a unique gathering of the global Down syndrome community which promises to inform, inspire and influence. Read more

Welcome to Andrew, Ambassador for Australia

Andrew Domahidy has joined our Ambassador team representing people with Down syndrome in Australia. Read more

Our London Marathon team

On Sunday 3 October 2021, our 7-runner team will take on the 26.2-mile challenge raising vital funds for DSi. Please join us in supporting our runners. Read more

Updates from DSi's AGM

Each year, DSi holds an annual general meeting to review our strategic and financial progress and appoint Board members for the year ahead. Read more

Disability-inclusive child safeguarding guidelines

Able Child Africa and Save the Children partnered to create the first international Disability-inclusive child safeguarding guidelines. Read more

Access to education for children with disabilities in the pandemic context

A useful guide produced by the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) to aid return to school. Read more