Thanks to Libyan Down Syndrome Association for providing this information.

The current situation

The legislation in Libya is not the problem for people with Down syndrome. The problem is in the implementation.

Attention needs to be brought to this. We need more supportive and trusted people to work on this.


Ahmed Adam is a young man who decided to have his right to vote and he did.

Mohja Bdawe is a young woman who wanted a formal job. She is an employee at the ministry of education.

Both of these individuals experienced inclusive education and graduated.

What needs to change?

People of Libya need to have a better understanding of the rights of people with disabilities so that those rights can be realised.

We at LDSA have made a booklet that tells all about the rights of people with disability using the voices and pictures of people with Down syndrome to raise awareness.

We released a campaign under the title "It is my right to....".

Take action.

Contact Libyan Down Syndrome Association to support this campaign in your country.