We are delighted to share our brand new strategy which will guide our work for the next 10 years.

Since April 2022 the DSi team has been working hard to develop a new strategy.

A strategy is important to guide the work that we do. It helps everyone to agree on why the organisation exists and what it plans to do.

Our new strategy will make sure we can do our work, knowing that it will contribute to a big goal we have set for ourselves.

We have consulted with our network members and ambassadors all the way through the process.

We are very happy with our strategy, but we will keep learning and improving. 

You can read a PDF version of our strategy here:


The strategy is also available in other formats here.

If you like what you have seen, why not sign up to join our network?

Learn - find out what needs to change in the world so that all people with Down syndrome are fully included in society.

Inform - tell us what life is like for people with Down syndrome where you live.

Advocate - speak up for people with Down syndrome and disabilities.