In everything we do we are committed to our vision for all people with Down syndrome to live healthy and meaningful lives in the community.

We will only achieve this thanks to the generosity of our supporters. In return, we aim to be as transparent as possible so you can be sure your money is being used well.

Every penny you give is vital in achieving our aims to provide information, support and resources, represent people with Down syndrome and raise awareness worldwide. Your recent donations have led to:



You can see a recent example of the type of project we can do thanks to your donations:

Turkey Self-Advocacy Project

You can see how any future donation to our Global Support campaign will be spent:

Global Support campaign

We do our best to spend wisely, making our funds go as far as possible while finding the best solutions which meet our quality standards, always seeking to achieve long term positive change.

Each year we publish a full annual report and financial statement, which provides more detailed information about where your money goes: 

Our annual reports

Thank you for your support!