Your opinion matters! ​

IDA’s Global Survey is a survey for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs).

The survey will collect information about how governments, the United Nations and funding agencies include organizations of persons with disabilities when they are making decisions about their policies and programmes.

Knowing about how and when Organizations of Persons with Disabilities participate is important to make sure 'nothing about us without us'. ​

The survey can be completed by all members, volunteers and staff members of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities.

The survey is individual, and it can be filled by more than one person per OPD.

The Easy Read version of the Survey is available in English on the new accessible survey platform, called iData:

Watch the iData video

The survey is available in various languages via the links below.

EasyRead: Click here to access IDA Global Survey

EN: Click here to access IDA Global Survey

IS: Click here to access IDA Global Survey in International Sign

ES: Haz click aquí para acceder a la Encuesta Mundial de IDA 

DE: Klicken Sie hier, um auf die globale IDA-Umfrage zuzugreifen

FR: Cliquez ici pour accéder à l'enquête mondiale de l'IDA 

AR: انقر هنا للوصول إلى الاستبيان العالمي للمؤسسة الدولية للتنمية باللغة العربية

ZH: 单击此处以中文访问IDA全球调查

RU: Щелкните здесь, чтобы получить доступ к глобальному исследованию IDA на русском языке

HI: सर्वेक्षण के लिए लिंक